Leadership Team

The President's Leadership Team (PLT) is a shared, 支持和推进查塔姆的使命和价值观的决策团队, establishes strategy and goals, 并推动各部门和整个大学的举措的执行. All members of the PLT report directly to the president.

Amy Becher, Vice President for Enrollment Management 

amy-becher.jpgAmy Becher自2013年10月起担任Chatham注册管理副总裁. 她在哈特音乐学院等不同类型的学校拥有超过25年的招生经验, Dance and Theatre at the University of Hartford, 西哈特福德CT到密歇根大学福特公共政策学院毕业, Ann Arbor. Ms. 在查塔姆学院成功过渡到男女同校期间,贝彻在领导招生管理方面有着独特的经验. 在财政援助和综合招生管理方面有专长, 贝彻一直致力于扩大波胆网站在地理上的声誉和招生增长,同时在竞争激烈的宾夕法尼亚州西部市场管理折扣率. Ms. 她在安娜堡康考迪亚大学获得组织领导力硕士学位, MI and has a BS in Music Therapy from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Bill Campbell, Vice President of Marketing & Communications/Chief
Experience Officer


比尔·坎贝尔是波胆网站市场营销与传播副总裁兼首席体验官. He provides strategic leadership and oversees all aspects of branding, marketing, public relations, and communications activities for the University, 同时负责信息技术部门的监督和多年的工作, 跨校园努力改善学生和员工的服务体验. Joining Chatham in 2012, 坎贝尔帮助带领查塔姆学院这所拥有145年历史的本科波胆网站成功实现了男女同校的转变,并担任招生管理副校长,直到2013年. In 2015, 由于他的努力,他获得了美国营销协会颁发的年度高等教育营销人员(创新者奖). Prior to Chatham, he worked for more than a decade at Clean Design, a brand and marketing agency located in North Carolina, in a variety of positions, culminating in his role as the vice president of brand strategy. 他的职业生涯始于非营利部门,担任V基金会癌症研究的年度捐赠和运营主管. He holds a B.A. 伊利诺伊大学毕业,西部州长大学工商管理硕士.  

Lisa Lambert, Vice President of Academic Affairs 


Dr. 丽莎·兰伯特于2023年被任命为波胆网站学术事务副校长. After joining Chatham in 1985 as a faculty member in Biology, she was promoted to Professor of Biology in 2012. While at Chatham, Dr. Lambert has served as Chair of the Science Department, founding Program Director for MS Biology, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Assistant Vice President of Undergraduate Learning. She has done sabbaticals at the University of Pittsburgh, Duke University, 和哈佛大学公共卫生学院,同时追求她对铁代谢遗传学的研究兴趣. Dr. Lambert持有Furman University的生物学学士学位, where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and a Ph.D. in Genetics from Indiana University-Bloomington.

Chris Purcell, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students


Dr. Purcell于2021年1月加入波胆网站,担任学生助理院长,并于2021年秋季晋升为学生事务副总裁兼学生院长. In this role, he oversees Chatham’s co-curricular and student success initiatives, including the Offices of Student Engagement, Residence Life, Counseling Services, and Health Services. 在来到查塔姆之前,他曾担任女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性人,酷儿的主任 & 范德比尔特大学双性人生活(2013-2020),伯克利音乐学院学生活动副主任(2010-2013). 他的职业生涯始于杜克大学和佛蒙特大学的LGBTQ+中心. 他发表过关于高等教育中LGBTQ+包容性的文章,并在全国发表过演讲, student activism, and developing success networks that help all students succeed. He holds a B.A. from Western New England University, an M.Ed. 佛蒙特大学教育学博士,范德比尔特大学教育学博士.  

Eileen Petula, Interim Chief Operating Officer 

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2023年5月,Eileen Petula加入Chatham,担任临时首席运营官. In this role, she is responsible for finance, accounting, budgeting and financial reporting, investment management, human resources, auxiliary services, facilities, and public safety.  Before Chatham, she held roles at Bucknell University, Allegheny College, Swarthmore College, Lafayette College, Community Action Southwest in Washington, Pa., and KPMG Peat Marwick in Pittsburgh. A certified public accountant, Petula持有Villanova University的工商管理硕士学位和Indiana University of Pennsylvania的工商管理学士学位. Ms. 佩图拉是宾夕法尼亚州工商商会董事会成员.



Leonard Trevino于2015年8月加入波胆网站,担任体育和娱乐主任. During his tenure at Chatham, 在他的指导下,该系的运动队从9个增加到21个,学生运动员的总人数从87人增加到大约400人. 所有项目都取得了体育和学术上的成功,并在三次团体会议冠军中得到了突出表现, 在过去的七年里,每年都有两次参加NCAA,多次获得个人冠军和全国学术认可. 他监督了设施的升级,比如为容纳足球而建造的格雷厄姆球场, lacrosse and soccer, 运动和健身力量和调节区域的改造和棒球设施的收购, softball and both men's and women’s ice hockey. He also serves as the co-chair of Chatham’s Diversity & Inclusion Council. Prior to coming to Chatham, 他曾在巴尔的摩的古彻学院担任副体育主任和男子篮球教练, MD. 在古彻学院,他带领的项目获得了4个联盟冠军和NCAA的表现,在10年的时间里,他的团队每年都在全国排名前20位. 特维诺目前在NCAA所有体育项目的冠军委员会任职,最近刚刚完成了在NCAA冠军篮球委员会的4年任期. 特维诺曾在南达科他大学和德克萨斯体育学院担任助理篮球教练和教练&M. He holds a B.S. 在德克萨斯理工大学获得教育学硕士学位,在南达科他大学获得运动心理学硕士学位.